7 October 2013 | 2 minutes read

Kenyon Fraser (KF) has teamed up with Symphony Housing Group to mentor a group of young people aged between 16 and 24 years old in all things marketing and PR!

Kenyon Fraser (KF), a full service marketing communications agency with over 100 clients across the UK, are offering a number of places to tenants within the Symphony Housing Group which includes Liverpool Housing Trust (LHT)  Cobalt Housing and Beechwood Ballantyne Community Housing Association (BBCHA).

The group will eventually form the marketing department of a lottery funded programme which aims to get young people into employment.

They will also have the opportunity to learn from experts in PR, Marketing, Digital marketing, web design and graphic design in a real life marketing agency. The team will be given their own office space and equipment at Kenyon Fraser and after learning from the experts will continue working to develop a communication/marketing plan. They will then implement their plans and move on to plan an event to celebrate all their hard work!

This is voluntary work experience and we need individuals who could dedicate a few hours every fortnight to go to Kenyons (based in Liverpool city centre) and meet with their personal mentor, Lucy Connell! They will not receive any payment or funding for travel, although they do get a free lunch at every meeting!

If you or someone you know is interested in this exciting opportunity, then please contact the Symphony Group Communications team: [email protected]

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