Due the developing COVID-19, Coronavirus pandemic social distancing measures are now in place. A lot of our tenants will now be spending a lot of time in their homes and could be experiencing noise that they are not necessarily used to.
We want everyone to stay safe in their home during this time and we are kindly reminding our Cobalt Tenants to be considerate and tolerant towards their neighbours. The COVID-19, Coronavirus situation has placed us all in a different living environment that we are not familiar with. If your neighbour is not usually home during the day they might not be aware they are disturbing you. We would first suggest you have a friendly word with your neighbour (at the recommended six-foot distance) to kindly make them aware that you can hear them.
What to do if the noise persists
Noise is ONLY considered anti-social behaviour if the noise is persistent, meaning if the disturbance lasts for a continuous periods of over 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days within one week.
If you are being disturbed by your neighbours, we would recommend downloading The Noise App to log noise disturbance direct to Cobalt Housing.
You can download the app by clicking here.
ASB Tookit
Please click here to view our ASB toolkit, this will help you identify what is and what is not classified as anti-social behaviour.