In the led up to Halloween and Bonfire Night our teams often receive increased reports of large builds up materials used to create bonfires in our communities. Last year we removed 10 bonfires and spent an average £5000 clearing these out of our communities.
Throughout the COVID-19 period we have received increased reports of fly-tipping in our areas and have already spent over £1000 clearing away items from our communities. We are reminding all residents that it is an offence to fly–tip on private, council or Cobalt Housing land and we will be closely working with Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service and Liverpool City Council to monitor all our neighbourhoods during this period.
Spotted any fly-tipping in your area?
If you spot any large build up of material in any of our community green spaces please call our team on 0330 303 2222.
Bonfires can easily get of control
Fire is extremely dangerous and can spread extremely quickly. If a bonfire is left unattended it could get out of hand very easily and become dangerous to not only you but cause damage to local green spaces and even homes.
Think of others this Halloween and Bonfire night
Liverpool and other areas of the North-West are currently in local lockdown restrictions due to a rise in COVID-19 cases. We’re asking our tenants and local community members to please think of others – COVID-19 is a disease that effects the respiratory system and bonfires will cause a lot of smoke that could be harmful to many in our areas. We have a lot of elderly and vulnerable people in our areas so we’re asking you to please be mindful of others and do not light any unnecessary bonfires this year.
We would like to remind our tenants that under the current restrictions it is illegal to gather in groups of more than six, under the current Liverpool guidance it is also advised to not mix with other people, this includes INDOOR and OUTDOOR settings.