If you receive an email/text from Cobalt Housing, don’t worry it’s us!
To increase the ways that you can get involved and shape the future of Cobalt’s products and services we’re going to be emailing and texting tenants asking for some feedback.
We will be reaching out to tenants who have recently been in touch with our Solutions call centre team, and we’ll be asking two quick questions about our service to you.
Please note: on these messages we will not ask you to provide any personal details such as your bank account, or any other personal information. If you do come across any suspicious messages that appear to be from Cobalt Housing, please call our team on 0330 303 2222.
Without your feedback, we can’t understand where we might be going wrong, so it’s important that you give us your views. We hope that this new and improved way of collecting your thoughts will help us to create services that are centred around the wants and needs of our community. Any questions? If you have any queries or concerns about this new method of getting in touch with you, please call 0330 303 2222.