Our 2020 Winter Newsletter will be landing on your doorsteps this week!
Our newsletter is packed full of useful advice and information including winter safety, community support, welfare support, an anti-social behaviour case study and a wellbeing section towards the end.
Don’t forget to complete the colouring page at the back of our newsletter! You can send us a picture of your completed creation over social media using the handle @cobalthousing and the hashtag #cobaltcommunity for a chance to win a prize!
Please click here to read the full digital copy of our newsletter.
We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to those who helped contribute to this newsletter:
- Cobalt Tenant Consultative Panel members (TCP)
- Our involved tenants
- Our local primary schools
- St. George’s Community Hub
- Norris Green Community Alliance
- and everyone else who has supported Cobalt Housing over the last few months!