2 March 2022 | 1 minute read

Post Office card accounts are set to close in November 2022.

If you are receiving benefits or pension payments via your Post Office card account, you should have now received a letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) asking for your bank account details so these payments can be paid into an alternative account.

If you do not have a bank account, these payments will automatically be moved over to a new system called the new Payment Exception Service. This will deliver benefits using a digital voucher. You can choose whether you receive the voucher via text message, email or a reusable card.

If you are moved over to the new Payment Exception Service, you continue to use the Post Office to collect your money with the added benefit of being able to access your money from over 28,000 PayPoint outlets across the country.

The DWP will look to move everyone off Post Office card accounts by Summer 2022. For further advice and guidance, please call the DWP’s dedicated helpline on 0800 085 713.

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