4 November 2022 | 1 minute read

From the 7th-11th November, we will be pledging our support for Talk Money Week 2022!⠀

Despite the after-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and pressures from the rising cost of living, as a nation we don’t find it any easier to talk about money. As a result, hundreds of our tenants are missing out on support available to them because they aren’t getting in touch with us to talk about their situation.

People who talk money are statistically proven to make better and less risky financial decisions, have stronger personal relationships, help their children form good lifetime money habits, and feel less stressed or anxious and more in control.

Whether it’s getting help with your energy bills, accessing debt advice, completing a benefits check, signing up for local food pantries or budgeting for a monthly benefit payment, our team are on hand to help you get to know your money better.

Join us next week for live Q&As, advice, tips and tricks that could help you navigate your way through the rising cost of living, maximise your income and make you more comfortable talking about money!

Congratulations to our Tenancy Welfare Officer!

Read the Congratulations to our Tenancy Welfare Officer! article

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