1 December 2023 | 2 minutes read

With our plans to build 1000 homes over the next few years gaining pace, we have made the move to join housebuilding consortium JV North.

As a full JV North member, we will have access to its £580m procurement framework and Dynamic Purchasing System allowing access to a wide range of contractors and consultants.

Cobalt Housing’s Director of Development and Neighbourhoods, Louise Davies, said: “Reflecting our corporate plan objectives to build quality homes and create thriving communities, and with our development programme well underway to build 1000 properties, our membership of JV North is timely.

“Not only will we be able to bid for Homes England grant funding via JV North but we’ll be able to access the consortium’s framework to simplify and speed-up our construction work as well as boost our social value offering by choosing local suppliers wherever possible.

This will be beneficial for smaller local contractors and SME’s who are keen to work with us on regeneration opportunities and will now able to tender for work under £2m.”

Chair of JV North, John Bowker, who is also Executive Director of Operations at Stockport Homes Group, said: “It is fantastic Cobalt Housing has joined as the consortium continues to grow and flourish.

“The construction environment is very challenging at the moment so the more we can work together with like-minded organisations the better outcomes we can return.

“As registered providers, this means we are able to operate more efficiently, with better risk management and, most importantly, provide better outcomes for people in our communities who desperately need good quality, affordable housing.”

JV North is a consortium of housing associations and local authorities from across the North West.

Other JV North members include Bury Council, Johnnie Johnson Housing, One Manchester, Peaks & Plains Housing Trust, Muir Group, Plus Dane Housing, Sovini, Stockport Homes, South Liverpool Homes, Torus, Weaver Vale Housing Trust and Wythenshawe Community Housing Group.

Since forming in 2007, members have built the equivalent of three-and-a-half homes every working day.

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