Event Series Tiny Teeth Drop- In

Tiny Teeth Drop- In

Cobalt Housing 199 Lower House Lane, Liverpool

Teach your little one all about brushing their teeth and oral health with free toothbrushes, toothpaste and tips and advice from our partners Koala.  Teach your toddler about regular brushing […]

Event Series Rooting For You

Rooting For You

Cobalt Housing 199 Lower House Lane, Liverpool

Womens’ support group Rooting for you empowers women to reach their full potential. Build confidence and meet new friends. Improve your confidence and learn new skills Free Drop-in session for […]

Event Series ESOL Conversation

ESOL Conversation

Cobalt Housing 199 Lower House Lane, Liverpool

Our relaxed English conversation sessions will help newly arrived community members to improve their language skills.  Hosted by Hugh Baird College. Improve your language skills and make new friends Free, […]


Cobalt Housing 199 Lower House Lane, Liverpool

Do you enjoy crafting and making things?  Come along to our crafting sessions for a knit and natter.  Bring your own craft projects, or work together to create a community […]