21 January 2022 | 3 minutes read

Residents and groups in Croxteth are being urged to come up with creative and innovative projects that will support people living in their community before the February 14th deadline to avoid missing out on a share of £50,000

“OUR CROXTETH”, a community-led project aimed at strengthening community resilience by supporting local clubs and groups, which in turn helps to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour and support vulnerable members of the community, is ready to offer a pot of £50,000 for projects, made up of funding from Liverpool City Council, Mersey Care, Cobalt Housing and Merseyside Police’s proceeds of crime.

Feedback from residents given at the L11 Festival and Communiversity event has helped the group to identify key themes and issues facing the community and the projects people would like to see, including:

Helping us feel safe – Reducing/addressing crime and anti-social behaviour, or supporting victims and/or prevention.

Healthy residents and families – Improving health and wellbeing for local residents

Improving life chances – Supporting employability and access to jobs or training, reducing poverty

Bringing people together – Supporting community cohesion, reducing barriers between communities and activities to reduce social isolation

The deadline for funding applications is Monday 14th February.

All bidders will also be invited to a community event on Saturday 19th February at 1pm at St. John Bosco Arts College, where they will deliver a short pitch/presentation about their project idea to the community working group/panel and other local residents. The community panel will then decide which projects they believe will have the biggest impact on their community and award the funds.

Nick Grubb, Head of Neighbourhoods at Cobalt Housing, said:

“We want this project to be truly community-led, with people in the community making decisions for the community, and we’ve been thrilled at the level of interest so far. Croxteth has great people and organisations doing good work for the community already, and ‘Our Croxteth’ gives a fantastic opportunity to build on that and encourage some new projects to start.”

Sergeant Brian Pearson from the local Merseyside Policing team said:

“The “Our Croxteth” event will aim to welcome many amazing groups in Croxteth and give them the opportunity to receive funding to further develop existing projects and start new ones as well as providing a positive opportunity for our communities to meet each other, build relationships and networks.”

“We are all excited to see what projects are brought to the table and would urge anyone who thinks they’ve got an initiative underway that would benefit from some extra funding, to get involved! We’re also keen to speak to anyone who may wish to get involved in helping us decide on where the funding should go.

Pat McGuinness, Deputy Director of Integration at Mersey Care said:

“We want to hear your great ideas, small or large, on what you think will make a difference in Croxteth.”

Cheryl Lowes, GP at Jubilee Medical Centre, Croxteth, said:

“Our Croxteth is us – those of us who work and live here, and who know that there is so much talent and opportunity right on our doorstep in our community!  We want everyone to be and feel a part of our amazing community… come and get involved!”

The OUR CROXTETH team can help with all applications. To apply, to discuss ideas, presentations or further information on completing the forms please contact Zoran Blackie at [email protected] or 07977 562314.

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