17 May 2022 | 2 minutes read

Liverpool City Council want everyone age 18 and over to have their say on how the city should be governed in 2023.

Why now?

The current term of office for Liverpool’s directly elected Mayor ends in May 2023. This is a great opportunity for residents in our Cobalt community to share their thoughts on how they would like the council to be run as a result of this change.

What are the options?

Would you like the council to be run by:

  • An elected Mayor voted in by you? This is how the council is run now.
  • A leader who is an elected councillor chosen by the other elected councillors? This would be a change to how the council is run now.
  • One or more council committees made up of elected councillors? This would also be a change to how the council is run now.

To find out more and complete the short ‘our way forward’ survey, please click here to visit Liverpool City Council’s website.

All survey responses must be submitted by 5pm on Monday 20th June 2022. Alternatively, you can email your response to Liverpool City Council or request a paper form via [email protected].

You can also write to Electoral Services, Liverpool City Council, Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH.

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