26 May 2022 | 7 minutes read


20 local groups and community projects have successfully bid for up to £5000 through the ‘Our Croxteth’ initiative, made up of funding from Liverpool City Council, Mersey Care, Cobalt Housing and Merseyside Police’s proceeds of crime.

In February, over 150 people from Croxteth, north Liverpool, came together for the ‘Our Croxteth’ event, which invited local people and groups to present a ‘Dragon’s Den’-style pitch to a community panel, made up of local residents, for funding to run creative and innovative projects to support people in the community.

All successful projects demonstrated clear evidence of how they would tackle key themes highlighted by local people through research, including:

  • Helping us feel safe – Reducing/addressing crime and anti-social behaviour, or supporting victims and/or prevention.
  • Healthy residents and families – Improving health and wellbeing for local residents
  • Improving life chances – Supporting employability and access to jobs or training, reducing poverty
  • Bringing people together – Supporting community cohesion, reducing barriers between communities and activities to reduce social isolation

Rona Heron, Partnership Development Officer at Cobalt Housing, said: “We are delighted, though not surprised, by the level of enthusiasm that we’ve seen from the Croxteth Community for this initiative. There is so much passion from local groups who are committed to supporting people in need, but we’ve also been thrilled by the number of new initiatives that aim to broaden the opportunities for people in Croxteth to experience new activities.”

Successful projects include providing a defibrillator in Croxteth Park, for the popular weekly Next Door Community Walk, teen holistic therapy sessions to support young people with finding new coping mechanisms, school drama sessions focused on the impact of alcohol and drugs, a ‘women only’ group to support isolated members of the community to gain social inclusion, and a new seated activity to be delivered in residential and care environments.

Merseyside Police Inspector, Sarah Rotherham, said: “This has been a truly community-led project. From the outset we have had input from local people, who have told us they wanted to see funding for projects that reduce crime, improve health and wellbeing, and support employability and community cohesion. We hope when they see the list of clubs and groups who have received funding, the panel have tried to fulfil these wishes.

Cheryl Lowes, GP at Jubilee Medical Centre, Croxteth, said: “What really sets this project apart from others is the way the community working group, and winning bidders, are working in partnership already with a determination to make this a sustainable, community-led initiative that will bring huge benefits for people living in Croxteth for a long time.”

Pat McGuiness, Deputy Director of Integration at Mersey Care NHS, said: It has been truly inspiring having the opportunity to work with local people to take forward the ‘Our Croxteth’ Project. The creative ideas put forward for how local community groups and individuals can make a difference in improving health and wellbeing, and community cohesion, in Croxteth have been amazing and the community working group have been really committed to making sure the funding available is put to best use to support the community.”


The full list of successful projects are as follows:


DK Football | Dominic Kenwright |£5000

Local Community football team to pay for underprivileged children to participate, pitch fees, equipment, kits and clothing for children between the ages of 4 and 11 years.


Croxteth Community Choir | River of Life CIC | £2000

To establish a local community choir in Croxteth aiming to reach out to all local people being inclusive and mindful of those struggling with mental health and anxiety.


Croxteth GEMS | Croxteth Gems Community Association | £3020             

New IT equipment to benefit children and young people who use GEMS’ junior and senior youth club sessions for homework support and online zoom sessions when required. Residents will benefit from having access to the computers for online applications for jobs/benefit claims.


AURTISTIC Wellbeing projects | Aurtistic | £5000

Art through health and wellbeing within the community. Mind Magic, Macho Minds (for men) Alchemist mindset, Art expression and Meditation Breath Work sharing skills, supporting people with processing emotions and providing wellbeing strategies.


PTC Drug Alcohol Workshops | Perspective Theatre Company | £1000

Demonstrating drug and alcohol issues in schools delivered through drama, with 12 themed drama workshops to schools and colleges in the Croxteth area.


LWC Women’s Group | LWC – women 22 | £2550        

To initiate a ‘women’s only’ group in Croxteth community to support isolated members of the community to gain social inclusion, promoting new found friendships, networks and community integration.


Wellness Arts in Croxteth | Gail Hickey | £5000

Wellness Arts is an easy to engage, inclusive service, which uses a variety of art forms to improve mental health and emotional wellbeing and reduce social isolation of people within the Croxteth community, through a range of workshops.



The Food for Growth Project will engage groups of young people from local primary and secondary schools for an exploration of food growing, climate change impacts and vegetarian cooking. Most of the grant will be spent providing the kitchen utensils we will need to deliver the project.


CPRA Community Garden | Croxteth Park Residents Association | £500

To work with the Rhys Jones centre and bring together local youth for awareness sessions and project ideas for their local community.


Croxteth Family Matters| Croxteth & Gillmoss Community Federation | £5000

Making changes to the outdoor space so families and older people can enjoy it. This project will encourage the local community to get out and about.  Also, to use their mini bus with disabled access to take local people to places, such as shopping trips, social events, scenic walks.


Croxteth Morris Dancers | Croxteth Morris Dancers | £2500

To include all families in the opportunity of participating in the groups and away days regardless of financial situation. Croxteth Community Morris Dancers deliver 2 weekly practice dance sessions at Croxteth Community Hall throughout the year. Travel costs and costumes towards going to competitions is a huge expense for many of the young people’s families as majority struggle to pay.

Croxteth ABC | Croxteth Amateur Boxing Club | £5000

Croxteth Boxing Club will drive inclusivity for everyone as well as aiming to create a none pressured, equal and diverse welcoming environment, inviting all to come along and keep fit, socialise, promoting healthy lifestyle habits, nutrition education as well as encouraging the younger generation to join clubs rather than potentially joining crime gangs.


Love2Move Aerial Academy | Aerial Gymnastics Academy | £1500

The Love to Move Community Project by Aerial Gymnastics Academy would deliver a sensitive and appropriate seated activity programme that can be done in a chair. Delivering sessions within a residential and care environment.


Croxteth Creates | Alt Valley Community Trust | £1020

Plan to deliver a 3-month programme of inclusive, music workshops to bring the community together, combat social isolation and anti-social behaviour and support health and wellbeing.  Through the project, community members will rediscover old interests and learn new musical skills including ukulele, guitar and drums.


BWC Bringing Croxteth Together | Melissa Burns | £2000

Providing activities for senior school students, including a breakfast club for the local senior school children. Setting up of wellbeing events for the residents, and organising parties for the local children, and events.


Helping Hands Project ‘Together Stronger’ | Lewis Richardson | £3200

Deliver sessions aimed at the younger generation aged 4 to 11, key stage 1, encouraging parent/guardian participation building stronger relationships and confidence, providing a preventive sustainability instilling core values from a young age, also providing equal opportunities for all.


Porchfield Community Centre | Porchfield Community Association | £500     

Summer activity projects for the older generation in the community.


Next Door Community Walk | Paul C Denny | £1000 

To provide defibrillator and liability insurance to the ever-growing community weekly walk in Croxteth Park.


Rhys Jones Development | Rhys Jones Foundation | £500        

To work with CPRA Croxteth Park residents’ association and bring together the youth for awareness sessions and project ideas for their local community.


Well Teen | Karen Hope | £500

Well Teen was originally created as a project to help teenagers with their mental health and wellbeing. Offering different tools and more of a holistic approach i.e. Meditation classes, Crystal healing workshops, Reiki to enable young individuals the chance to relieve everyday stresses and learn how to cope when they are feeling overwhelmed.


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