17 June 2022 | 2 minutes read

We are delighted to announce that all our new build houses at Altbridge Park have now been handed over to tenants! Altbridge Park brings 57 much-needed homes to Croxteth, with a mixture of houses and apartments designed to adapt with our residents’ changing needs in the future.
It’s been great to be on site meeting tenants moving into their brand new homes and welcoming them to the Cobalt community!
A few weeks ago, we had the pleasure of meeting Eleise, Bella and Missy the dog. Bella couldn’t wait to show our team her new room, followed by a gymnastics performance in the back garden!
Eleise said: “Our move to Altbridge Park has not only given us a lovely home, but we now also have a beautiful, safe outside space for Bella to play in, which we’ve never had before. She loves getting the mat out to practice her gymnastics!”
We also got to meet Amy, Luke and Jack in their brand new home! The boys now have plenty of space to store their toys and a lovely big back garden to play badminton in. Luke also showed our team his new bunk bed with a big shelf where he now keeps all his books!
Jack has always been a very big fan of diggers, and he would always watch them through the railings of the development site as they worked on his new home, so we couldn’t be happier that his family are now in and settled at Altbridge Park!
We are looking forward to signing up tenants who will be moving into our new build apartments in the coming weeks, so watch this space for further Altbridge updates!

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