15 December 2022 | 2 minutes read

Maybe you’re thinking about making some changes in your kitchen or bathroom, or want to fit an electric car charging point outside. It’s important to remember that some DIY projects require permission from Cobalt before you start, or you could be in breach of your tenancy agreement.

We have recently seen an increase in tenants fitting unsafe electric car charging points and spotlights in their homes. If you are considering changing any fixtures in your property, like a new kitchen, bathroom suite, doors, etc, please contact us for permission first. You will also need our permission for any work involving gas and electrics in your home, as we will need to ensure that the work is safe and a qualified person will be completing the job.

Please remember that if you do choose to replace any fixtures in your home, you will be responsible for the ongoing repairs and maintenance of the new ones. You will also be responsible for putting right any unsafe or unsatisfactory work, which could be costly.

Our surveyors are always happy to discuss your plans with you, and where possible, grant permission. You can request permission via [email protected] or the MyCobalt app. If you haven’t already signed up, please click here to get started.

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