13 February 2023 | 1 minute read

On Friday, our anti-social behaviour (ASB) team visited Archbishop Beck Catholic Sports College to carry out an ASB workshop with Merseyside Police school officers, PC Caroline and PC Paul.

The ASB workshop was made up of a number of interactive sessions, including:

  • Liverpool City Council road safety
  • Rights and responsibilities
  • Using your voice
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Diversity
  • Internet safety
  • Anti-social behaviour Merseyside Police also set up a monopoly type board game called ‘Your choice’.

Teams of pupils had to roll a dice to move across the board, and their counters represented items such as drugs, money and weapons. This allowed Merseyside Police to underline the consequences of being in possession of these items in real life, and the importance of making the right decisions.

This workshop was a great opportunity for young people to learn about a number of ASB-related topics through fun, interactive activities.

A huge well done to everyone involved!

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