8 May 2024 | 2 minutes read

As part of our Early Intervention Project, our ASB team has been working with primary school children across our neighbourhoods to raise awareness about important issues that affect people in their communities.  

Pupils from Monksdown Primary School teamed together with Cobalt to form a working group led by three teachers – Max Gonzalez, Hugo Leonard and Arwa Tariq, along with Elaine Gough, our ASB Officer.   

As part of this working group, Cobalt was invited to hold a stall to showcase the ‘Monksdown Pupils’ Voice.’ This was an event arranged by Monksdown Primary School to show pupils from other primary schools some of the amazing community work that they have been doing.  

Children from Fazakerley Primary School, Wellesbourne Primary School, Our Lady and St Swithin’s, Broad Square and St Matthews were invited to the event, to showcase their work and demonstrate how they can work together to improve their communities. 

The pupils presented projects on mindfulness, homelessness and free school meals.  

By sharing their tasks, experiences and projects with each other, the event hoped to inspire new ideas and future partnership links with the other schools in the area. 

Elaine Gough, Cobalt ASB Officer, said: “It has been amazing working with our group of children on this project so far and we are so excited about the projects we have planned together. We spoke to other schools about our plans and the children were truly an inspiration. The work they have completed in the community is outstanding and the children are a credit to all the schools involved. I look forward to continuing to work with Monksdown and future projects we have planned.” 

Well done Monksdown Primary, keep up the great work! 

Watch out for artwork from the children as part of our litter reduction project…



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