15 July 2022 | 2 minutes read

In partnership with Liverpool John Moores University*, we’re launching the THRIVE Vision, which aims to understand tenants’ and residents’ lived experiences and develop a community wealth building strategy to put people at the heart of what we do.

Through this approach we will be able to redirect resources back into the local economy and place decisions and benefits back into the hands of local people.

Over the next few weeks, you may receive a survey in the post, or see staff with surveys at local community spaces and events. This survey is part of a 12 week community consultation to understand the real issues facing people in our communities at the moment, helping us to improve our services to make sure we’re offering the right services and supporting in the best way possible.

All information provided will be treated anonymously and used solely for improving services in the community, so please help us to understand the real issues you are facing by completing it too.

We’re also looking for Cobalt tenants to sign up to further focus groups and interviews as part of the consultation over the coming weeks, with those taking part receiving a £10 high street voucher (please note the number of participants is capped and we can’t guarantee that you will be selected if you register interest).

We’d also like to thank our involved tenants for supporting us in developing the THRIVE Vision and survey.

The quickest way to complete the survey is online here: https://online1.snapsurveys.com/interview/66cc2c3a-9a91-4c3f-a709-eec94745da4f


*This partnership is an mKTP, which received financial support from the UK government department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) through Innovate UK. An mKTP aims to help businesses improve their efficiency and productivity through the better use of knowledge and expertise by specialist academic teams in the UK’s world class Knowledge Bases.

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