9 November 2023 | 2 minutes read

It’s National Social Housing Safety & Compliance Week from 6th – 11th November. Now in its third year, the theme this year is ‘Together for Safety’, a movement that recognises that no one person or department, or organisation can deliver safe homes for residents – it involves the whole supply chain coming together.

At Cobalt, we are committed to focusing on four key strands including resident engagement and this includes working with fellow Safety and Compliance Professionals (ASCP), peers, contractors and suppliers to tackle joint challenges, share best practice and to raise standards.

By working together with colleagues and authorities, our mission is to make our homes safe for residents to live in.

We’re doing this in a variety of ways and we’ll always ensure we’re transparent and continue to keep you informed of how we’re making our houses safe and compliant.

One of the recent ways we’ve been keeping our properties safe is by appointing AB Electrical to upgrade our current smoke detection systems to LD2, following the latest specifications that require a hardwire smoke, heat and carbon monoxide system in properties.

This essential work is being carried out to ensure that our properties have an adequate fire detection system installed.

The LD2 system provides more protection as it incorporates detectors in all circulation spaces that form part of the escape routes from your home and in all rooms and areas that present a high fire risk to occupants.

The LD2 installation will be at no financial cost to residents. We only ask that you allow our contractors access to complete the works within your home.

Keeping Pets and People Safe In Our Communities

Read the Keeping Pets and People Safe In Our Communities article

It’s Gas Safety Week: 9th – 15th September

Read the It’s Gas Safety Week: 9th – 15th September article

Introducing Our New Repairs Service: Cobalt Housing Property Services

Read the Introducing Our New Repairs Service: Cobalt Housing Property Services article