6 September 2023 | 2 minutes read

We are delighted to announce that we have secured planning permission to re-develop one of the estate regeneration sites opposite the De La Salle Academy at Carr Lane East in Croxteth, North Liverpool. 

The development is one of a number of opportunities which Cobalt are progressing through planning with Liverpool City Council, to tackle problematic spaces on estates which have often been associated with issues including fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour.  

The scheme will provide six new homes and apartments, alongside environmental improvements to adjacent land. The homes will be let on an affordable rent basis.  

Cobalt’s Housing and Regeneration teams continue to witness an increase in the demand for homes in their core neighbourhoods, which are extremely popular with local people, families and also key workers.   

Carr Lane East is in an established residential location, and these new homes will help to meet the demands of those in housing need who have been on the waiting list for some time. All the homes will have private front and rear gardens, making them ideal for families.   

The work on Carr Lane is part of a series of regeneration projects that Cobalt Housing is involved in to address the needs of local communities for energy efficient, high-quality homes. As well as Carr Lane there is the Waterdale Gardens regeneration scheme, which is providing 88 new homes on land behind the showcase, and the adjacent Stonedale neighbourhood regeneration scheme which will provide 76 new and refurbished homes in the next two years.  

All homes will be designed to National Space Standards, along with being wheelchair accessible, making them adaptable to the changing needs of residents. 

Louise Davies, Director of Growth & Development at Cobalt Housing, said: 

“Cobalt is a neighbourhood landlord with regeneration at its core. Our new Corporate Plan embeds our commitment to deliver high-quality homes in our core neighbourhoods, and Carr Lane is just one example of this.  

We are developing our regeneration and growth plans to diversify and enhance the age, type and tenure of homes that are available locally. We will continue to invest in schemes similar to Carr Lane which will provide good quality homes for future generations.” 

The detailed design work on Carr Lane will now be finalised, and Cobalt will commence a procurement process to identify a construction partner for this and other regeneration sites. The scheme is due on site in Spring 2024. 

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